Wedding Invitations

Advice For Ordering Custom Invitations and Announcements

Invitations and announcements come in all shapes and sizes whatever the special occasion. It could be for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, baby christenings or what have you. No matter the event, chances are you’ll find announcements and invites ranging from foil-stamped, fancy, embossed cards to charming, quaint homemade pieces. Personal taste, guest number, time and budget will determine your final choice.

A Look At Wedding Invitations And Announcements

A wedding won’t be complete without guests. Having a complete lineup from the get-go makes the wedding planning job easier. The preparations include getting the wedding invites ready. The invitations should reflect your sincere wish to have people you want there on your big day.

Tradition dictates that wedding invitations be distributed. This way, people know for sure that they’re being asked to attend. Simply put, the invitations make it official that they’re invited. They also feel special because the couple thought of counting them among the guests.

Today’s wedding invites don’t necessarily have to be the same old boring cards people of yesteryears used. The idea of the contemporary wedding invitation hinges on the assumption that they’re crucial to the wedding. Any overlooked invitation details gives the impression that wedding plans were carelessly made.

Actually, the fundamental reason wedding invitations are created and handed out is so you can estimate how many guests intend to show up. It would thus be helpful to include reply cards with the invitation. This will enable determining the approximate guest numbers to expect come wedding day so there are fewer unpleasant surprises.

Weddings are generally formal occasions. Still, sometimes couples favor more casual celebrations. Clearly, it pays to be specific when it comes to how elaborate or informal the gathering will be. Mincing no words with the dress code also helps. This way, guests know what the rules are and whether or not their compliance is required in the clothing department.

For weddings involving few guests, making the wedding invites yourself is better. Wedding invitations are often pricey. Fewer orders mean less expenses so if you’re not ordering many, making your own invites would be smarter. It actually comes out cheaper to do the wedding invitations yourself than having a company print them all out for you.

While white will forever be the fashionable wedding color, it doesn’t hurt to mix things up. Technological advances now allow for trying out other bright hues for the wedding. Couples are no longer limited to the traditional whites for their wedding. It’s now acceptable to have other colors thrown in. Consider shades that show the couple’s personality.

The trick is to utilize a combination of different bright colors. Invitations of yore came in typical rectangles decorated with flowers and lace. Although society views them as acceptable design, face it – they’re lifeless and blah. Inject some life into them so they exude the beautiful life you and your mate set out to have. Figure out modern designs that are infused with beauty and fun.

Consider the following when selecting wedding invitations:

  1. Assign a budget and      unleash creativity – Invitations can be expensive, but some are out there      that are just as pretty but not as pricey. Knowing where to start looking      plus being creative helps.
  2. Draft the guest list      – This way, you know just how many invites are to be ordered.
  3. Get started as early      as seven months prior to the date – This gives you plenty of time to      polish the wording. If any issues arise, you’ve got sufficient time to do      damage control and ensure invites are crafted the exact way you      conceptualized them before handing them out.
  4. Hire the pros – When      unsure, enlist the help of experts. Professionals can give you useful      inputs regarding invitation style and look. They’ll help you sort your      ideas so you come out with amazing results.
  5. Order additional      invites – Always order in excess of the number you actually require. This      way, you’ve got spares in case you forget someone.
  6. Keep it stylish –      Harness your creativity and combine various materials using a personalized      touch.
  7. Pick a theme – The      invitation should convey the wedding’s color motif or theme.
  8. Choose styles that      embody your personality – Invitations should reflect the couple’s style      and hint at the wedding theme you have in mind.
  9. Take care of wedding      particulars – See to it that all wedding details (date, venue, and time of      ceremony plus reception) have been confirmed.
  10. Appropriate      etiquette and wording – Consult professionals so everything inside the      invites is in its proper place.
  11. Wording advice –      When leaving your wording at the shop, give it in typewritten form so      they’re easy to read. Who wants errors or typos in the actual invitations?      If you wish to avoid these headaches, typewritten is the way to go.

Now for pointers regarding invitation etiquette, take a look below:

  1. Addressing      envelopes: It’s improper to address invitation envelopes as “Mr and Mrs      Robert Hayes and Family.” Names of kids below 18 years old should be      specified in the invite while those over 18 should be sent separate      invitations.
  2. Mail invitations six      to eight weeks prior: Send out invitations several weeks ahead of the big      day. However, if plenty of out-of-state guests are invited or the wedding      date is slated during the holidays, mail the invites sooner. This affords      guests more time for planning, reserving hotels and fixing schedules.
  3. Two wedding      locations: When the reception and the ceremony are happening at different      sites, including a reception card to go with the invitation is a good      idea. Reception cards should contain detailed info regarding the reception      and come with a separate envelope.
  4. Sticking with casual      names: Use casual names like Grandpa, or Uncle Bob and Aunt May for close      relatives to address inner envelopes as this shows them how much they mean      to you, even if it’s a formal occasion you’re planning.
  5. Black tie event:      Place the words “black tie” somewhere toward the lower right-hand side of      the invite if planning formal nuptials so guests arrive in the appropriate      garb.

Wedding invitations are more than just invitations. They’re not like invites for victory parties or birthday celebrations. A wedding invitation is a way of asking somebody to be a significant part of an unforgettable chapter in your life, saying “I do” to your mate. Wedding invitations are not mere pieces of paper. They represent a couple’s wish to show the rest of the world how much they care for each other, and they’d like the guests to be witnesses to that.


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