
Our New Site

Well we finally did it and what a job it has been. I want to apologize to anyone and everyone who has been inconvenienced by this move. Please rest assured this is just the beginning of good things to come.

Our new site introduces our 2012 menus as well as PDF downloads and the beginning or our business intelligence application we have been working on for the past year. You can already book appointments online and chat with us and we are soon to add an automated date checked with the ability to confirm your date and the ability to price options right online.

We will keep you informed as we progress and please once again accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for all he wonderful letters of support we have received.

Duane Hutson


Marketing Director / Owner

Hiring an Entertainer for Your Wedding

After months, or perhaps even more than a year, of planning most just wish to…

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Firing Your Wedding Planner

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Favors for Your Wedding

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Fall Wedding Decorations Can Spice Up Your Marriage Ceremony

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Engraving Your Wedding Bands

What's more romantic for a bride and groom than looking inside their wedding bands and…

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